Expand Your eBook Audience - EditionGuard

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Expand Your eBook Audience

Turgay Birand

December 17, 2015

set sales on fireIt’s a great time of year for eBook sales, which means it’s also an opportune time for you to expand your eBook audience. You can build a loyal readership and get the word out about your current and future eBooks to a larger number of people. And by reaching out to more readers, your eBook sales can improve. Who is Your Target? When trying to expand your eBook audience, start by understanding who already reads your eBooks, then identify which fringe groups may also enjoy what you write. For example, horror fans may love your zombie fiction eBook.  Once you have defined who you want your audience to be, you can gear your marketing messages toward them. By knowing your audience, you can also define yourself as an eBook writer and seller, allowing you to clarify your own interests and emphasize all that which makes you different from other writers. Honesty is the best Policy To build your audience, start by being honest with the internet world. Open up to your readers about who you are and why you’re passionate about your eBook. And don’t be afraid to use social media as more than a vehicle for your advertisements. Respond to comments and pose questions to your readers; relate to them as a friend or colleague rather than a sales person. Your audience will love the personal connection, and not only will they buy your eBook, they will be more likely to tell others all about it. Partner Up Connect with other authors who have similar readerships and have already built a solid reputation. Request recommendations and assistance in reaching their audience with your eBook, and offer to do the same for them. Referrals are a trusted source, and if a reader loves one particular writer, they are likely to consider someone that writer recommends. By networking within your field of expertise, your eBook can more quickly gain success. Expanding your audience should always be an ongoing process. You may find that there are waves in which your audience will grow, but directed marketing should always continue. If you can get your targeted audience to have eyes trained on you, your eBook sales will always be on top.

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